The AKS Cluster builder is used to create AKS clusters.
)The AKS builder (aks
) constructs AKS clusters.
Keyword | Purpose |
name | Sets the name of the AKS cluster. |
sku | Specifies the SKU of the AKS cluster - default is ‘Base’. |
tier | Specifies the tier of the AKS cluster - default is ‘Free’. |
dns_prefix | Sets the DNS prefix of the AKS cluster. |
enable_defender | Enables Defender for the containers running in the cluster. |
enable_image_cleaner | Enables a service to periodically purge images that are no longer used. |
enable_private_cluster | Restricts the cluster’s Kubernetes API to only be accessible from private networks. |
enable_rbac | Enable Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control. |
enable_workload_identity | Enables workload identity to assign a pod to a managed identity. Requires OIDC, so enables that as well. |
oidc_issuer | Enables or disables the OIDC issuer service for issuing tokens for federated identity. |
add_agent_pools | Adds agent pools to the AKS cluster. |
add_agent_pool | Adds an agent pool to the AKS cluster. |
add_identity | Adds a managed identity to the the AKS cluster. |
link_to_identity | Links an existing managed identity to the container group. |
system_identity | Activates the system identity of the AKS cluster. |
kubelet_identity | Assigns a user assigned identity to the kubelet user that pulls container images. |
link_to_kubelet_identity | Links an existing managed identity to the kublet user that pulls container images. |
network_profile | Sets the network profile for the AKS cluster. |
linux_profile | Sets the linux profile for the AKS cluster. |
service_principal_client_id | Sets the client id of the service principal for the AKS cluster. |
service_principal_use_msi | Enables the AKS cluster to use the managed identity service principal instead of an external client secret. |
windows_username | Sets the windows admin username for the AKS cluster. |
add_api_server_authorized_ip_ranges | Adds IP address CIDR ranges to be allowed Kubernetes API access. |
addon | A list with the configuration of all addons on the cluster (AciConnectorLinux, HttpApplicationRouting, KubeDashboard, IngressApplicationGateway, OmsAgent). |
- the configuration built by the aks
builder uses this property to provide an ARM expression to reference the OIDC Issuer URL on the managed cluster, if enabled.The Agent Pool builder (agentPool
) constructs agent pools in the AKS cluster.
Keyword | Purpose |
name | Sets the name of the agent pool. |
count | Sets the count of VM’s in the agent pool. |
user_mode | Sets the agent pool to user mode. |
disk_size | Sets the disk size for the VM’s in the agent pool. |
enable_fips | Uses a FIPS compliant OS image for VM’s in the agent pool. |
max_pods | Sets the maximum number of pods in the agent pool. |
os_type | Sets the OS type of the VM’s in the agent pool. |
pod_subnet | Sets the name of a virtual network subnet where this AKS cluster should be attached. |
subnet | Sets the name of a virtual network subnet where this AKS cluster should be attached. |
vm_size | Sets the size of the VM’s in the agent pool. |
add_availability_zones | Sets the Azure availability zones for the VM’s in the agent pool. |
vnet | Sets the name of a virtual network in the same region where this AKS cluster should be attached. |
enable_autoscale | Enables node pool autoscale |
autoscale_scale_down_mode | Optional. Use with enable_autoscaling. Options are Delete and Deallocate |
autoscale_min_count | Use with enable_autoscaling. Minimum node count in node pool |
autoscale_max_count | Use with enable_autoscaling. Maximum node count in node pool |
The Kubenet builder (kubenetNetworkProfile
) creates Kubenet network profiles on the AKS cluster.
Keyword | Purpose |
load_balancer_sku | SKU for the Load Balancer - defaults to ‘Standard’ |
The CNI builder (azureCniNetworkProfile
) creates Azure CNI network profiles on the AKS cluster.
Keyword | Purpose |
docker_bridge | Sets the docker bridge CIDR to a network other than the default |
dns_service | Sets the DNS service IP - must be within the service CIDR, default is the second address in the service CIDR. |
service_cidr | Sets the service cidr to a network other than the default |
load_balancer_sku | SKU for the Load Balancer - defaults to ‘Standard’ |
The simplest cluster uses a system assigned managed identity and default settings for the node pool (size of 3). The pricing tier is ‘Free’.
open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
open Farmer.ContainerService
let myAks = aks {
name "aks-cluster"
let myAks = aks {
name "k8s-cluster"
tier Tier.Standard
dns_prefix "testaks"
add_agent_pools [
agentPool {
name "linuxPool"
count 3
linux_profile "aksuser" "public-key-here"
network_profile (
azureCniNetworkProfile {
service_cidr ""
// Create an identity for kubelet (used to connect to container registry)
let kubeletMsi = createUserAssignedIdentity "kubeletIdentity"
// Create an identity for the AKS cluster
let clusterMsi = createUserAssignedIdentity "clusterIdentity"
// Give the AKS cluster's identity rights to assign a the kubelet MSI
let assignMsiRoleNameExpr = ArmExpression.create($"guid(concat(resourceGroup().id, '{clusterMsi.ResourceId.Name.Value}', '{Roles.ManagedIdentityOperator.Id}'))")
let assignMsiRole =
{ Name =
|> ResourceName
RoleDefinitionId = Roles.ManagedIdentityOperator
PrincipalId = clusterMsi.PrincipalId
PrincipalType = PrincipalType.ServicePrincipal
Scope = ResourceGroup
Dependencies = Set [ clusterMsi.ResourceId ] }
// Create a container image registry
let myAcr = containerRegistry { name "mycontainerregistry" }
let myAcrResId = (myAcr :> IBuilder).ResourceId
// Assign the AcrPull role on that registry to the identity used for kubelet.
let acrPullRoleNameExpr = ArmExpression.create($"guid(concat(resourceGroup().id, '{kubeletMsi.ResourceId.Name.Value}', '{Roles.AcrPull.Id}'))")
let acrPullRole =
{ Name = acrPullRoleNameExpr.Eval() |> ResourceName
RoleDefinitionId = Roles.AcrPull
PrincipalId = kubeletMsi.PrincipalId
PrincipalType = PrincipalType.ServicePrincipal
Scope = AssignmentScope.SpecificResource myAcrResId
Dependencies = Set [ kubeletMsi.ResourceId ] }
// Create the cluster and assign the cluster and kubelet identities.
let myAks = aks {
name "aks-cluster"
add_identity clusterMsi
kubelet_identity kubeletMsi
depends_on clusterMsi
depends_on myAcr
depends_on_expression assignMsiRoleNameExpr
depends_on_expression acrPullRoleNameExpr
// A template to deploy the MSI's, role assignemnts, container registry and AKS.
let template =
arm {
add_resource kubeletMsi
add_resource clusterMsi
add_resource myAcr
add_resource myAks
add_resource assignMsiRole
add_resource acrPullRole