Azure Application Insights allows you to monitor your application and send you alerts when it is either unavailable, experiencing failures, or suffering from performance issues.
)Keyword | Purpose |
name | Sets the name of Alert. |
description | Sets the description of the alert. |
frequency | How often the metric alert is evaluated |
window | The period of time that is used to monitor alert activity based on the threshold. |
severity | Alert severity |
add_linked_resource | Add the target resource on which the alert is created/updated. |
add_linked_resources | Add the target resources on which the alert is created/updated. |
single_resource_multiple_metric_criteria | The rule criteria that defines the conditions of the alert rule. |
single_resource_multiple_custom_metric_criteria | The rule criteria that defines the conditions of the alert rule based on Application Insights custom metric or metric with a custom namespace. Metric validation is disabled for such criteria, so it is possible to create an alert that watches metrics not yet emitted. More details are available here. |
multiple_resource_multiple_metric_criteria | The rule criterias that defines the conditions of the alert rule. |
webtest_location_availability_criteria | The rule criteria that defines the conditions of the alert rule. AppInsightsId * WebTestId * FailedLocationCount |
add_action | Add an action that is performed when the alert rule becomes active. |
More detailed documentation:
Virtual machine alert:
let vm = vm { name "foo"; username "foo" }
let vmAlert = alert {
name "myVmAlert2"
description "Alert if VM CPU goes over 80% for 15 minutes"
frequency (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0) |> IsoDateTime.OfTimeSpan)
window (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15.0) |> IsoDateTime.OfTimeSpan)
add_linked_resource vm
severity AlertSeverity.Warning
single_resource_multiple_metric_criteria [
{ MetricNamespace = vm.ResourceId.Type
MetricName = MetricsName.PercentageCPU
Threshold = 80
Comparison = GreaterThan
Aggregation = Average
For the metric names and their aggregations, there is a huge list of options:
Database alert:
let myAlert = alert {
name "myDbAlert"
description "Alert if DB DTU goes over 85% for 5 minutes"
frequency (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0) |> IsoDateTime.OfTimeSpan)
window (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0) |> IsoDateTime.OfTimeSpan)
add_linked_resource resId
severity AlertSeverity.Error
single_resource_multiple_metric_criteria [
{ MetricNamespace = resId.ResourceId.Type
MetricName = MetricsName.SQL_DB_DTU
Threshold = 85
Comparison = GreaterThan
Aggregation = Average
Website down alert:
let ai = appInsights { name "ai" }
let webtest = availabilityTest { ... }
let aiId, webId = (ai :> IBuilder).ResourceId |> Managed,
(webtest :> IBuilder).ResourceId |> Managed
let webAlert = alert {
name "myWebAlert"
description "Alert if website is failing 5 mins on 3 locations"
frequency (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0) |> IsoDateTime.OfTimeSpan)
window (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0) |> IsoDateTime.OfTimeSpan)
add_linked_resources [aiId; webId]
severity AlertSeverity.Warning
webtest_location_availability_criteria (aiId.ResourceId, webId.ResourceId, 3)
Custom metric alert based on Azure Application Insights:
let ai = appInsights { name "ai" }
let customMetricAlert = alert {
name "customMetricAlert"
description "My Custom Metric Alert Description"
frequency (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0) |> IsoDateTime.OfTimeSpan)
window (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0) |> IsoDateTime.OfTimeSpan)
add_linked_resource ai
severity AlertSeverity.Error
single_resource_multiple_custom_metric_criteria [
MetricNamespace = None
MetricName = Insights.MetricsName "MyCustomMetric"
Threshold = 0
Comparison = GreaterThan
Aggregation = Maximum
Custom metric alert with custom metric namespace:
let ai = appInsights { name "ai" }
let customMetricAlert = alert {
name "customMetricAlert"
description "My Custom Metric Alert Description"
frequency (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0) |> IsoDateTime.OfTimeSpan)
window (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0) |> IsoDateTime.OfTimeSpan)
add_linked_resource ai
severity AlertSeverity.Error
single_resource_multiple_custom_metric_criteria [
MetricNamespace = Some (ResourceType("MyCustomNamespace", ""))
MetricName = Insights.MetricsName "MyCustomMetric"
Threshold = 0
Comparison = GreaterThan
Aggregation = Maximum