Application Gateway


The Application Gateway builder is used to create Application Gateways.

  • Application Gateways (Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways)

Application Gateway Builder Keywords

The Application Gateway builder (appGateway) constructs Application Gateways.

nameSets the name of the Application Gateway.
sku_capacitySets the capacity for this SKU of Application Gateway.
add_identityAssigns a managed identity to the Application Gateway.
add_ip_configsAssigns one or more gateway IP configuration for the subnet where it should be created.
add_frontendsAssigns one or more frontend IP configuration for a public or private IP for the services accessible through the gateway.
add_frontend_portsAssigns one or more frontend ports to listen
add_http_listenersAssigns one or more http listeners.
add_backend_address_poolsAssigns one or more backend pools.
add_backend_http_settings_collectionAssigns HTTP settings for the listener.
add_request_routing_rulesAssigns routing rules between frontend IP configurations and ports and services in the backend pool.
add_probesAssigns health probes to ensure backend services are healthy or removed from the pool.

Complete Example

This example creates an application gateway frontend with an NSG and a backend virtual network where application services would be running.

let myNsg = nsg {
    name "agw-nsg"
    add_rules [
        securityRule {
            name "app-gw"
            description "GatewayManager"
            services [ NetworkService ("GatewayManager", Range (65200us,65535us)) ]
            add_source_tag NetworkSecurity.TCP "GatewayManager"
        securityRule {
            name "inet-gw"
            description "Internet to gateway"
            services [ "http", 80 ]
            add_source_tag NetworkSecurity.TCP "Internet"
            add_destination_network ""
        securityRule {
            name "app-servers"
            description "Internal app server access"
            services [ "http", 80 ]
            add_source_network NetworkSecurity.TCP ""
            add_destination_network ""

let net = vnet {
    name "agw-vnet"
    build_address_spaces [
        addressSpace {
            space ""
            subnets [
                subnetSpec {
                    name "gw"
                    size 24
                    network_security_group myNsg
                subnetSpec {
                    name "apps"
                    size 24
                    network_security_group myNsg
                    add_delegations [

let msi = createUserAssignedIdentity "agw-msi"

let backendPoolName = ResourceName "agw-be-pool"
let myAppGateway =
    let gwIp =
        gatewayIp {
            name "app-gw-ip"
            link_to_subnet net.Name net.Subnets.[0].Name
    let frontendIp =
        frontendIp {
            name "app-gw-fe-ip"
            public_ip "agp-gw-pip"
    let frontendPort =
        frontendPort {
            name "port-80"
            port 80
    let listener =
        httpListener {
            name "http-listener"
            frontend_ip frontendIp
            frontend_port frontendPort
            backend_pool backendPoolName.Value
    let backendPool =
        appGatewayBackendAddressPool {
            name backendPoolName.Value
            add_backend_addresses [
                backend_ip_address ""
                backend_ip_address ""
    let healthProbe =
        appGatewayProbe {
            name "agw-probe"
            host "localhost"
            path "/"
            port 80
            protocol Protocol.Http
    let backendSettings =
        backendHttpSettings {
            name "bp-default-web-80-web-80"
            port 80
            probe healthProbe
            protocol Protocol.Http
            request_timeout 10<Seconds>
    let routingRule =
        basicRequestRoutingRule {
            name "web-front-to-services-back"
            http_listener listener
            backend_address_pool backendPool
            backend_http_settings backendSettings

    appGateway {
        name "app-gw"
        sku_capacity 2
        add_identity msi
        add_ip_configs [ gwIp ]
        add_frontends [ frontendIp ]
        add_frontend_ports [ frontendPort ]
        add_http_listeners [ listener ]
        add_backend_address_pools [ backendPool ]
        add_backend_http_settings_collection [ backendSettings ]
        add_request_routing_rules [ routingRule ]
        add_probes [ healthProbe ]
        depends_on myNsg
        depends_on net

arm {
    location Location.EastUS
    add_resources [