The Container Group builder is used to create Azure Container Group instances.
)The Container Group builder (containerGroup
) defines a Container Group.
Keyword | Purpose |
name | Sets the name of the container group. |
add_instances | Adds container instances to the group. |
operating_system | Sets the OS type (default Linux). |
restart_policy | Sets the restart policy (default Always) |
public_dns | Sets the DNS host label when using a public IP. |
private_ip | Indicates the container should use a system-assigned private IP address for use in a virtual network. |
network_profile (deprecated) | Name of a network profile resource for the subnet in a virtual network where the container group will attach. |
vnet | Resource ID of a virtual network where the container group will attach. |
link_to_vnet | Resource ID of an existing virtual network where the container group will attach. |
subnet | Name of the subnet in a virtual network where the container group will attach. |
add_identity | Adds a managed identity to the the container group. |
link_to_identity | Links an existent managed identity to the container group. |
system_identity | Activates the system identity of the container group. |
add_registry_credentials | Adds a container image registry credential with a secure parameter for the password. |
reference_registry_credentials | References credentials from a container image registry by resource ID. |
add_managed_identity_registry_credentials | Adds container image registry managed identity credentials for images in this container group. |
add_tcp_port | Adds a TCP port to be externally accessible. |
add_udp_port | Adds a UDP port to be externally accessible. |
add_volumes | Adds volumes to a container group so they are accessible to containers. |
availability_zone | Deploys a container group to a specific availability zone. |
diagnostics_workspace | Sends logs to a diagnostics workspace included in the same deployment. |
diagnostics_workspace_key | Sends logs to a diagnostics workspace by workspace ID and key. |
link_to_diagnostics_workspace | Sends logs to an existing diagnostics workspace referenced by resource ID. |
dns_nameservers | Specify DNS nameservers for the containers in a vnet-attached container group. |
dns_options | Specify DNS options (e.g. ‘ndots:2’) for the containers in a vnet-attached container group. |
dns_search_domains | Specify DNS search domains for the containers in a vnet-attached container group. |
depends_on | Specifies the resource or resource ID of resources that must exist before the container group is created. |
add_extensions | Sets the extensions used by virtual kubelet. |
The Container Instance builder (containerInstance
) is used to define one or more containers to add to the group.
Keyword | Purpose |
name | Sets the name of the container instance. |
image | Sets the container image. |
command | Sets the commands to execute within the container instance in exec form. |
add_ports | Sets the ports the container exposes. |
cpu_cores | Sets the maximum CPU cores the container may use. |
memory | Sets the maximum gigabytes of memory the container may use. |
gpu | Adds one or more GPUs to the container. |
env_vars | Sets a list of environment variables for the container. |
add_volume_mount | Adds a volume mount on a container from a volume in the container group. |
probes | Adds liveliness and readiness probes to a container. |
The Init Container builder (initContainer
) is used to define one or more init containers which must fully start before the rest of the containers in the group.
Keyword | Purpose |
name | Sets the name of the init container. |
image | Sets the init container image. |
command | Sets the commands to execute within the init container in exec form. |
env_vars | Sets a list of environment variables for the init container. |
add_volume_mount | Adds a volume mount on an init container from a volume in the container group. |
The Network Profile builder (networkProfile
) is used to define a network profile to connect the container group to a subnet on a virtual network.
Keyword | Purpose |
name | Name of the container network profile for connecting a container group to a virtual network. |
vnet | Resource name of the virtual network to connect (if created in the same deployment). |
link_to_vnet | Resource name of an existing virtual network to connect. |
subnet | Name of the subnet in the virtual network where the container group should attach. |
ip_config | Name of the IP configuration and subnet in the virtual network where the container group should attach. |
add_ip_configs | Adds multiple IP configurations to connect the container group to multiple subnets. |
Keyword | Purpose |
count | the amount of GPUs attached to the container |
sku | SKU for the GPU |
The Liveness Probe builder (liveness
) is used to define a liveness probe for a container instance to determine if it is healthy.
Keyword | Purpose |
http | Sets the http GET URI on a container liveliness check. |
exec | Sets a command to execute on a container liveliness check. |
initial_delay_seconds | Sets a delay after container startup before the first check - default is 0 seconds. |
period_seconds | Sets the period between running checks - default is 10 seconds. |
failure_threshold | Sets the number of times a check can fail before the container is considered unhealthy and will be restarted - default is 3. |
success_threshold | Sets the number of times a check must succeed before the container is considered healthy - default is 1. |
timeout_seconds | Sets the number of seconds a check is allowed to run before considering the check a failure - default is 1 second. |
The Readiness Probe builder (readiness
) is used to define a readiness probe for a container instance to determine if it is ready to accept requests.
Keyword | Purpose |
http | Sets the http GET URI on a container readiness check. |
exec | Sets a command to execute on a container readiness check. |
initial_delay_seconds | Sets a delay after container startup before the readiness check - default is 0 seconds. |
period_seconds | Sets the period between running checks - default is 10 seconds. |
failure_threshold | Sets the number of times a check can fail before the container is considered unhealthy and will be restarted - default is 3. |
success_threshold | Sets the number of times a check must succeed before the container is considered healthy - default is 1. |
timeout_seconds | Sets the number of seconds a check is allowed to run before considering the check a failure - default is 1 second. |
open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
open Farmer.ContainerGroup
let storage =
storageAccount {
name "mystorage"
let nginx = containerInstance {
name "nginx"
image "nginx:1.17.6-alpine"
add_ports PublicPort [ 80us; 443us ]
add_ports InternalPort [ 9090us; ]
memory 0.5<Gb>
cpu_cores 1
env_vars [
EnvVar.create "CONTENT_PATH" "/www"
EnvVar.createSecure "SECRET_PASSWORD" "shhhhhh!"
EnvVar.createSecureExpression "STORAGE_CONN_STRING" storage.Key
add_volume_mount "secret-files" "/config/secrets"
add_volume_mount "source-code" "/src/farmer"
probes [
liveliness {
http "http://localhost:80/"
initial_delay_seconds 15
let containerGroupUser = userAssignedIdentity {
name "aciUser"
let containerGroupLoggingWorkspace = logAnalytics { name "webapplogs" }
let managedIdentity = ManagedIdentity.Empty
let group = containerGroup {
name "webApp"
operating_system Linux
diagnostics_workspace LogType.ContainerInstanceLogs containerGroupLoggingWorkspace
restart_policy AlwaysRestart
add_identity containerGroupUser
add_udp_port 123us
add_instances [ nginx ]
// Add registry credentials as a secure password
add_registry_credentials [
registry "" "registryuser" managedIdentity
// or reference an Azure container registry to pull the credentials directly.
reference_registry_credentials [
ResourceId.create (Arm.ContainerRegistry.registries, ResourceName "my-gregistry", "acr-resource-group")
add_volumes [
volume_mount.secret_string "secret-files" "secret1" "abcdefg"
volume_mount.git_repo "source-code" (Uri "")
Attaching a container group to a virtual network requires adding a service delegation on a subnet indicating it is for container groups, adding a network profile to bind the container group interface to that subnet, and finally adding the container group itself with a private IP address.
open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
let privateNetwork = vnet {
name "private-vnet"
add_address_spaces [
add_subnets [
subnet {
name "ContainerSubnet"
prefix ""
add_delegations [
let aciProfile = networkProfile {
name "vnet-aci-profile"
vnet "private-vnet"
subnet "ContainerSubnet"
let myContainer = container {
name "helloworld"
image "microsoft/aci-helloworld"
add_ports PublicPort [ 80us ]
let group = containerGroup {
name "webApp"
operating_system Linux
restart_policy AlwaysRestart
add_instances [ myContainer ]
network_profile "vnet-aci-profile"
private_ip [TCP, 80us]
Modified from azure-cli example here:
open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
open Farmer.ContainerGroup
let wordcount = containerInstance {
name "mycontainer1"
image ""
memory 0.5<Gb>
cpu_cores 1
env_vars [
env_var "NumWords" "3"
env_var "MinLength" "5"
command_line [ "python"; ""; "" ]
let group = containerGroup {
name "wordcount"
operating_system Linux
restart_policy RestartOnFailure
add_instances [ wordcount ]
An initContainer will run on container group startup before any of the containers are executed.
If there are any issues with the initContainer, it will remain in a ‘Creating’ state indefinitely. Check for issues by viewing the logs for the init container(s):
az container logs -g resource-group-name -n container-group-name --container-name init-container-name
The example below creates a volume mount that is shared between the initContainer and the container instances. It writes to a file so that the nginx container can serve that file once the group is running.
arm {
location Location.WestEurope
add_resources [
containerGroup {
name "container-group-with-init"
operating_system Linux
restart_policy ContainerGroup.AlwaysRestart
add_volumes [
volume_mount.empty_dir "html"
add_init_containers [
initContainer {
name "write-index-file"
image "debian"
add_volume_mount "html" "/usr/share/nginx/html"
command_line [
"mkdir -p /usr/share/nginx/html && echo 'hello there' >> /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html"
add_instances [
containerInstance {
name "nginx"
image "nginx:alpine"
add_volume_mount "html" "/usr/share/nginx/html"
add_public_ports [ 80us; 443us ]
memory 0.5<Gb>
cpu_cores 0.2