Container Group


The Container Group builder is used to create Azure Container Group instances.

  • Container Group (Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups)
  • Network Profile (Microsoft.Network/networkProfiles)

Container Group Builder

The Container Group builder (containerGroup) defines a Container Group.

nameSets the name of the container group.
add_instancesAdds container instances to the group.
operating_systemSets the OS type (default Linux).
restart_policySets the restart policy (default Always)
public_dnsSets the DNS host label when using a public IP.
private_ipIndicates the container should use a system-assigned private IP address for use in a virtual network.
network_profile (deprecated)Name of a network profile resource for the subnet in a virtual network where the container group will attach.
vnetResource ID of a virtual network where the container group will attach.
link_to_vnetResource ID of an existing virtual network where the container group will attach.
subnetName of the subnet in a virtual network where the container group will attach.
add_identityAdds a managed identity to the the container group.
link_to_identityLinks an existent managed identity to the container group.
system_identityActivates the system identity of the container group.
add_registry_credentialsAdds a container image registry credential with a secure parameter for the password.
reference_registry_credentialsReferences credentials from a container image registry by resource ID.
add_managed_identity_registry_credentialsAdds container image registry managed identity credentials for images in this container group.
add_tcp_portAdds a TCP port to be externally accessible.
add_udp_portAdds a UDP port to be externally accessible.
add_volumesAdds volumes to a container group so they are accessible to containers.
availability_zoneDeploys a container group to a specific availability zone.
diagnostics_workspaceSends logs to a diagnostics workspace included in the same deployment.
diagnostics_workspace_keySends logs to a diagnostics workspace by workspace ID and key.
link_to_diagnostics_workspaceSends logs to an existing diagnostics workspace referenced by resource ID.
dns_nameserversSpecify DNS nameservers for the containers in a vnet-attached container group.
dns_optionsSpecify DNS options (e.g. ‘ndots:2’) for the containers in a vnet-attached container group.
dns_search_domainsSpecify DNS search domains for the containers in a vnet-attached container group.
depends_onSpecifies the resource or resource ID of resources that must exist before the container group is created.
add_extensionsSets the extensions used by virtual kubelet.

Container Instance Builder

The Container Instance builder (containerInstance) is used to define one or more containers to add to the group.

nameSets the name of the container instance.
imageSets the container image.
commandSets the commands to execute within the container instance in exec form.
add_portsSets the ports the container exposes.
cpu_coresSets the maximum CPU cores the container may use.
memorySets the maximum gigabytes of memory the container may use.
gpuAdds one or more GPUs to the container.
env_varsSets a list of environment variables for the container.
add_volume_mountAdds a volume mount on a container from a volume in the container group.
probesAdds liveliness and readiness probes to a container.

Init Container Instance Builder

The Init Container builder (initContainer) is used to define one or more init containers which must fully start before the rest of the containers in the group.

nameSets the name of the init container.
imageSets the init container image.
commandSets the commands to execute within the init container in exec form.
env_varsSets a list of environment variables for the init container.
add_volume_mountAdds a volume mount on an init container from a volume in the container group.

Network Profile Builder

The Network Profile builder (networkProfile) is used to define a network profile to connect the container group to a subnet on a virtual network.

nameName of the container network profile for connecting a container group to a virtual network.
vnetResource name of the virtual network to connect (if created in the same deployment).
link_to_vnetResource name of an existing virtual network to connect.
subnetName of the subnet in the virtual network where the container group should attach.
ip_configName of the IP configuration and subnet in the virtual network where the container group should attach.
add_ip_configsAdds multiple IP configurations to connect the container group to multiple subnets.

GPU Builder

countthe amount of GPUs attached to the container
skuSKU for the GPU

Liveness Probe Builder

The Liveness Probe builder (liveness) is used to define a liveness probe for a container instance to determine if it is healthy.

httpSets the http GET URI on a container liveliness check.
execSets a command to execute on a container liveliness check.
initial_delay_secondsSets a delay after container startup before the first check - default is 0 seconds.
period_secondsSets the period between running checks - default is 10 seconds.
failure_thresholdSets the number of times a check can fail before the container is considered unhealthy and will be restarted - default is 3.
success_thresholdSets the number of times a check must succeed before the container is considered healthy - default is 1.
timeout_secondsSets the number of seconds a check is allowed to run before considering the check a failure - default is 1 second.

Readiness Probe Builder

The Readiness Probe builder (readiness) is used to define a readiness probe for a container instance to determine if it is ready to accept requests.

httpSets the http GET URI on a container readiness check.
execSets a command to execute on a container readiness check.
initial_delay_secondsSets a delay after container startup before the readiness check - default is 0 seconds.
period_secondsSets the period between running checks - default is 10 seconds.
failure_thresholdSets the number of times a check can fail before the container is considered unhealthy and will be restarted - default is 3.
success_thresholdSets the number of times a check must succeed before the container is considered healthy - default is 1.
timeout_secondsSets the number of seconds a check is allowed to run before considering the check a failure - default is 1 second.


open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
open Farmer.ContainerGroup

let storage =
    storageAccount {
        name "mystorage"

let nginx = containerInstance {
    name "nginx"
    image "nginx:1.17.6-alpine"
    add_ports PublicPort [ 80us; 443us ]
    add_ports InternalPort [ 9090us; ]
    memory 0.5<Gb>
    cpu_cores 1
    env_vars [
        EnvVar.create "CONTENT_PATH" "/www"
        EnvVar.createSecure "SECRET_PASSWORD" "shhhhhh!"
        EnvVar.createSecureExpression "STORAGE_CONN_STRING" storage.Key
    add_volume_mount "secret-files" "/config/secrets"
    add_volume_mount "source-code" "/src/farmer"
    probes [
        liveliness {
            http "http://localhost:80/"
            initial_delay_seconds 15

let containerGroupUser = userAssignedIdentity {
    name "aciUser"

let containerGroupLoggingWorkspace = logAnalytics { name "webapplogs" }
let managedIdentity = ManagedIdentity.Empty

let group = containerGroup {
    name "webApp"
    operating_system Linux
    diagnostics_workspace LogType.ContainerInstanceLogs containerGroupLoggingWorkspace
    restart_policy AlwaysRestart
    add_identity containerGroupUser
    add_udp_port 123us
    add_instances [ nginx ]
    // Add registry credentials as a secure password
    add_registry_credentials [
        registry "" "registryuser" managedIdentity
    // or reference an Azure container registry to pull the credentials directly.
    reference_registry_credentials [
        ResourceId.create (Arm.ContainerRegistry.registries, ResourceName "my-gregistry", "acr-resource-group")
    add_volumes [
        volume_mount.secret_string "secret-files" "secret1" "abcdefg"
        volume_mount.git_repo "source-code" (Uri "")

Private Virtual Network Example

Attaching a container group to a virtual network requires adding a service delegation on a subnet indicating it is for container groups, adding a network profile to bind the container group interface to that subnet, and finally adding the container group itself with a private IP address.

open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders

let privateNetwork = vnet {
    name "private-vnet"
    add_address_spaces [
    add_subnets [
        subnet {
            name "ContainerSubnet"
            prefix ""
            add_delegations [

let aciProfile = networkProfile {
    name "vnet-aci-profile"
    vnet "private-vnet"
    subnet "ContainerSubnet"

let myContainer = container {
    name "helloworld"
    image "microsoft/aci-helloworld"
    add_ports PublicPort [ 80us ]

let group = containerGroup {
    name "webApp"
    operating_system Linux
    restart_policy AlwaysRestart
    add_instances [ myContainer ]
    network_profile "vnet-aci-profile"
    private_ip [TCP, 80us]

Execute container command example

Modified from azure-cli example here:

open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
open Farmer.ContainerGroup

let wordcount = containerInstance {
    name "mycontainer1"
    image ""
    memory 0.5<Gb>
    cpu_cores 1
    env_vars [
        env_var "NumWords" "3"
        env_var "MinLength" "5"
    command_line [ "python"; ""; "" ]

let group = containerGroup {
    name "wordcount"
    operating_system Linux
    restart_policy RestartOnFailure
    add_instances [ wordcount ]

Using an initContainer on startup

An initContainer will run on container group startup before any of the containers are executed.

If there are any issues with the initContainer, it will remain in a ‘Creating’ state indefinitely. Check for issues by viewing the logs for the init container(s):

az container logs -g resource-group-name -n container-group-name --container-name init-container-name

The example below creates a volume mount that is shared between the initContainer and the container instances. It writes to a file so that the nginx container can serve that file once the group is running.

arm {
    location Location.WestEurope
    add_resources [
        containerGroup {
            name "container-group-with-init"
            operating_system Linux
            restart_policy ContainerGroup.AlwaysRestart
            add_volumes [
                volume_mount.empty_dir "html"
            add_init_containers [
                initContainer {
                    name "write-index-file"
                    image "debian"
                    add_volume_mount "html" "/usr/share/nginx/html"
                    command_line [
                        "mkdir -p /usr/share/nginx/html && echo 'hello there' >> /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html"
            add_instances [
                containerInstance {
                    name "nginx"
                    image "nginx:alpine"
                    add_volume_mount "html" "/usr/share/nginx/html"
                    add_public_ports [ 80us; 443us ]
                    memory 0.5<Gb>
                    cpu_cores 0.2