

The disk builder creates managed disks that may be attached to a virtual machine. With managed disks, the storage account backing the disk is handled by Azure. Disks can be created as empty disks or by importing a virtual hard disk from an existing storage account.

  • Disks (Microsoft.Compute/disks)

Builder Keywords

nameSets the name of the managed disk.
skuSets the type of disk, such as Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS, Premium_LRS, or UltraSSD_LRS.
add_availability_zoneWhen a disk will be attached to a VM in an availability zone, the same availability zone should be set here.
os_typeSets the OS for the managed disk - Windows or Linux.
create_emptyCreates an empty disk of the given size.
importImports a disk from an existing virtual hard drive (.vhd) file.


open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders

let emptyDisk =
    disk {
        name "empty-disk"
        os_type Linux
        create_empty 128<Gb>

let importedDisk =
    disk {
        name "imported-disk-image"
        sku Vm.DiskType.Premium_LRS
        os_type Linux

        // Provide the URI for the disk image and the ARM resource Id for the storage account.
            (Arm.Storage.storageAccounts.resourceId "mystorageaccount")

Multiple disks can be created and then attached to a virtual machine:

let disk0 =
    disk {
        name "disk-0"
        sku Vm.DiskType.Premium_LRS
        os_type Linux
        create_empty 1024<Gb>
        add_availability_zone "1"

let disk1 =
    disk {
        name "disk-1"
        sku Vm.DiskType.Standard_LRS
        os_type Linux
            (Arm.Storage.storageAccounts.resourceId "mystorageaccount")
        add_availability_zone "1"

let vmWithAttachedDisks =
    vm {
        name "vm-with-attached-disks"
        vm_size Standard_B1ms
        operating_system UbuntuServer_2204LTS
        username "azureuser"
        add_availability_zone "1"
        attach_data_disk disk0
        attach_data_disk disk1

let deployment =
    arm {