The Network Security Group builder creates network security groups with rules for securing network access to resources.
)Applies To | Keyword | Purpose |
nsg | name | Specifies the name of the network security group |
nsg | add_rules | Adds security rules to the network security group |
nsg | initial_rule_priority | The priority of the first rule, after which each rule gets an incrementally higher value. Default 100. |
nsg | priority_incr | This sets how much priority is increased per each rule. Default 100. |
securityRule | name | The name of the security rule |
securityRule | description | The description of the security rule |
securityRule | services | The services port(s) and protocol(s) protected by this security rule |
securityRule | add_source | Specify access from any source protocol, address, and port |
securityRule | add_source_any | Specify access from any address and any port |
securityRule | add_source_address | Specify access from a specific address and any port |
securityRule | add_source_application_security_group | Specify access from an application security group |
securityRule | add_source_network | Specify access from a specific network and any port |
securityRule | add_source_tag | Specify access from a tagged source such as “Internet”, “VirtualNetwork”, or “AzureLoadBalancer” |
securityRule | add_destination | Specify access to any source protocol, address, and port |
securityRule | add_destination_any | Specify access to any address and any port |
securityRule | add_destination_address | Specify access to a specific address and any port |
securityRule | add_destination_application_security_group | Specify access to an application security group |
securityRule | add_destination_network | Specify access from a specific network and any port |
securityRule | add_destination_tag | Specify access to a tagged destination such as “Internet”, “VirtualNetwork”, or “AzureLoadBalancer” |
securityRule | allow | Allows this traffic (the default) |
securityRule | deny | Denies this traffic |
securityRule | direction | Specify the direction of traffic controlled by the rule - inbound (the default) or outbound. |
securityRule | priority | Explicitly specify the priority of a security rule. |
securityRule | link_to_network_security_group | Specify the nsg when creating a security rule for an existing security group. |
applicationSecurityGroup | name | Name of the Application Security Group. |
open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
open Farmer.NetworkSecurity
// Create a rule for https services accessible from the internet
let httpsAccess = securityRule {
name "web-servers"
services [ NetworkService ("https", Port 443us) ]
add_source_tag TCP "Internet"
// Create an NSG and add the rule to it.
let myNsg = nsg {
name "my-nsg"
add_rules [
open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
open Farmer.NetworkSecurity
// Many services have a few ports, such as web services that are often on 80 and 443.
// Some services only have a single port
// Different tiers may reside on different network segments
let corporateNet = ""
let webNet = ""
let appNet = ""
let dbNet = ""
// Create a rule for web servers - the 'web' service, accessible from the corporate network
let webAccess = securityRule {
name "web-servers"
description "Public web server access"
services [
NetworkService ("http", Port 80us)
NetworkService ("https", Port 443us)
add_source_network TCP corporateNet
add_destination_network webNet
// Create another rule for app servers - accessible only from network with the web servers
let appAccess= securityRule {
name "app-servers"
description "Internal app server access"
services [ NetworkService ("http", Port 8080us) ]
add_source_network TCP webNet
add_destination_network appNet
// Create another rule for DB servers - accessible only from network with the app servers
let dbAccess = securityRule {
name "db-servers"
description "Internal database server access"
services [ NetworkService ("postgres", Port 5432us)]
add_source_network TCP appNet
add_destination_network dbNet
// Create an NSG and add all 3 rules to it.
let myNsg = nsg {
name "my-nsg"
add_rules [