The Operations Management builder is used to create Solutions for a Log Analytics Workspace.
Builder | Keyword | Purpose |
omsPlan | name | The name of the plan, which can match the name of the overall Solution. |
omsPlan | publisher | The publisher of the solution, usually “Microsoft” (the default value). |
omsPlan | product | The specific solution being created, such as OMGSGallery/SecurityInsights . |
omsProperties | workspace | The Log Analytics workspace this solution uses. |
omsProperties | add_contained_resource | Adds a resource contained by this solution. |
omsProperties | add_contained_resources | Adds multiple resources contained by this solution. |
omsProperties | add_referenced_resource | Adds a resource referenced by this solution. |
omsProperties | add_referenced_resources | Adds multiple resources referenced by this solution. |
oms | name | The name of the solution. |
oms | plan | The OMSPlan for the solution. |
oms | properties | The OMSProperties for the solution. |
oms | add_tag | Add a tag to the solution. |
oms | add_tags | Add one or more tags to the solution. |
This example creates an Azure Sentinel solution on an Log Analytics Workspace.
open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
let sentinelWorkspace = logAnalytics {
name "my-sentinel-workspace"
retention_period 30<Days>
daily_cap 5<Gb>
let solutionName = $"SecurityInsights({sentinelWorkspace.Name.Value})"
let sentinelSolution = oms {
name solutionName
plan (omsPlan {
name solutionName
publisher "Microsoft"
product "OMSGallery/SecurityInsights"
properties(omsProperties {
workspace sentinelWorkspace
let deployment = arm {
location Location.NorthCentralUS
add_resource sentinelWorkspace
add_resource sentinelSolution