The PostgreSQL module contains two builders - postgreSQL
, used to create
PostgreSQL Azure servers, and postgreSQLDb
, used to create individual databases.
It supports features such as firewall, autogrow and version selection.
Every PostgreSQL Azure server you create will automatically create a SecureString
parameter for the admin account password.
There is support for newer “Flexible” as well as the original “Single Server” server type.
Several keywords are overloaded to cater for both server types.
By default, the builder uses the Flexible Server model.
- PostgreSQL server (
) - PostgreSQL server (
PostgreSQL Builder keywords
Applies To | Keyword | Purpose |
Server | name (string) | Sets the name of the PostgreSQL server. |
Server | admin_username (string) | Sets the admin username of the server. |
Server | geo_redundant_backup (bool) | Enables/disables geo-redundant backup |
Server | enable_geo_redundant_backup | Enables geo-redundant backup |
Server | disable_geo_redundant_backup | Disables geo-redundant backup |
Server | storage_autogrow (bool) | Enables/disables auto-grow storage |
Server | enable_storage_autogrow | Enables auto-grow storage |
Server | disable_storage_autogrow | Disables auto-grow storage |
Server | storage_size (int<Gb>) | Sets the initial size of the storage available |
Server | storage_performance_tier (Vm.DiskPerformanceTier) | Sets the storage performance tier of the server. |
Server | backup_retention (int<Days>) | Sets the number of days to keep backups |
Server | server_version (Version) | Selects the PostgreSQL version of the server |
Server | capacity (int<VCores>) | Sets the number of cores for the server |
Server | tier (Sku) | Sets the service tier of the server |
Server | add_database (database:Database) | Adds a database from the result of a postgreSQLDb builder expression |
Server | add_database (name:string) | Adds a database with name of name |
Server | enable_azure_firewall | Enables firewall access to all Azure services |
Server | add_firewall_rule (name:string, start ip:string, end ip:string) | Adds a firewall rule to the server |
Server | add_firewall_rules (rules:(stringstringsting)list) | As add_firewall_rule but a list of rules |
Server | add_vnet_rule (name:string, virtualNetworkSubnetId:ResourceId) | Adds a vnet rule to the server |
Server | add_vnet_rules (rules:(string*ResourceId)list) | As add_vnet_rule but a list of rules |
Configuration Members
Member | Purpose |
FullyQualifiedDomainName | The fully qualified domain name for the server endpoint. |
PostgreSQLDb Builder keywords
Applies To | Keyword | Purpose |
Database | name (string) | Sets the name of the PostgreSQL database |
Database | collation (string) | Sets the collation of the postgreSQL database |
Database | charset (string) | Sets the charset of the postgreSQL database |
- Original “Single Server” model
open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
open Farmer.PostgreSQL
let myPostgres = postgreSQL {
admin_username "adminallthethings"
name "aserverformultitudes42"
capacity 4<VCores>
storage_size 50<Gb>
add_database "my_db"
// overloaded or single-instance-specific keywords
tier GeneralPurpose
server_version Version.VS_11
capacity 1<VCores>
let template = arm {
location Location.NorthEurope
add_resource myPostgres
output "fqdn" myPostgres.FullyQualifiedDomainName
open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders
open Farmer.PostgreSQL
let myPostgres = postgreSQL {
name "aserverformultitudes42"
admin_username "adminallthethings"
storage_size 64<Gb>
add_database "my_db"
storage_autogrow true
// overloaded or model-specific keywords
tier FlexibleTier.Burstable_B1ms
server_version FlexibleVersion.V_16
storage_performance_tier Vm.DiskPerformanceTier.P10