Virtual Hub


The Virtual WAN builder (vhub) is used to create Azure Virtual Hub instances.

  • Virtual Hub (Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs)

Builder Keywords

vhubnameSets the name of the virtual hub
vhubskuSets the sku of the virtual hub
vhubaddress_prefixSets the address prefix of the virtual hub
vhublink_to_vwanSets the virtual wan deployed by farmer to which the virtual hub belongs
vhublink_to_unmanaged_vwanSets the existing virtual wan to which the virtual hub belongs


open Farmer
open Farmer.Builders

let vhub = vhub {
    name "my-vhub"
    address_prefix (IPAddressCidr.parse "")

let deployment = arm {
    location Location.NorthEurope
    add_resource vhub